we are good in middle to high quality handbag, because we have good workmanship, we have no compete working in very cheap quality handbag, if you are looking for factory to produce very cheap quality of bag, sell to cheap market, although huge quantity, we are not suitable to work for.
if you are looking for someone, who can give you perfect samples, good quality bulk production, on time shipping, very close cooperation, I think we are the right factory for you.
we can work from designer's drawing designers, or photos with measurement, or samples.
I hope you can respond quickly, answer our questions quickly when making samples, confirm orders fastly, clearly pass us details requests, send deposit promptly so that we can start working at once, and supply labels, packing information on time, because these cooperation make sure us to work promptly and finish the goods on time. both sides need hard work to make win-win long term cooperation.
regular production time: 25-40days according to quantity.